John 7:38

Jesus said, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Marge's son, part two

wow - It's been a month since I've posted - but not a month since we prayed about Vince. But guess what? He came to church with his girlfriend and her mother - and he stayed and ate dinner with the church body!

So many new people = we need to figure out something to do - there's a whole sub-group of people who are coming - I think that we are going to do a newcomers dessert or something . . .

We sent 25 men to Men's Camp and they came home, renewed and refreshed from the fellowship and the fishing (although they found out that it was catch and release AFTER they had eaten half a dozen unlucky fish).

Next week is Youth Councils.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Marge's son

We've been praying for Vince (almost 21) for a while. He has said many times he'll never set foot in a church. Ha - never say never. He has been caught playing basketball in the gym and even walked into the chapel last week - and it's still standing, much to his surprise.

Vince has made some good decisions lately - he's been working steadily, has changed some habits, and is respectful of his mama. He helps around the house and contributes money when he gets paid.

I love the fact that God restores families and even though Vince doesn't consider himself in the family of God, because Marge is, he is. We'll keep praying, Marge.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What does my life reflect? What does YOUR life reflect?

We did another funeral last week - the day before Jessica's. This one was for Kathleen. When Kathleen's daughter stood up, I remembered a young woman who came to our feeding program wearing a shirt that could easily have been sold in Victoria's Secret, if it weren't for the ripped seams that came with use. Being the resident queen matron, I was approached by several people to go talk to her about the appropriate dress code (sigh. . .). It was awkward but I did and I made an extra effort to invite her to several young adult events that were coming up. Over the next few months, Erin came to church and never really did fit in, clothing wise - but she was loved and accepted by those who came to the N.A. groups and the young adult groups. She wasn't getting along with her mom at all because her mom was still using . . .so finally she moved away across the state.

Kathleen (her mom) was a bellringer - and struggled with alcohol and drugs for most of her life. The last year of her life, however, was spent in treatment and sober living. She reunited with Erin over the phone just a week before she died. She had been going to a local church for a year or two before she went to treatment so I felt good knowing that JEsus had been an important part of her life.

Hearing people talk about her life reminded me that we have lives that people don't know about. My kids don't know about my life before them - and I don't know about my mom's life before me. I wonder what stories people will tell about me - what will they say? Will my life reflect Jesus? I hope so.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Choose Life

Sadly, for us, Jessica chose Life - Life with Jesus. Ecstatically, for her, Jessica chose Life.

We had two funerals this week. The one for Jessica was held at the high school auditorium. Over 300 people came, many were in Salvation Army uniform, and it was a somber affair. We watched a video montage of her life - and what an incredible story her life was.

She was in foster care and when she got to the Campbell home with her two younger brothers, she told her foster mom that she had an older brother and two sisters. Her mom found the other siblings and offered them the chance to come live with them. The older brother joined them and soon the four children were adopted into the family. They all suffered from RAD - attachment disorder - and yet the family became one.

I remember Jessica telling me about her journey out of RAD - she said she used to be really angry all the time - and one day she was sitting on her bed, and she realized that this was her life and it was a good one. She had parents who loved her, a mom who cared about her, a home, a big yard, food, and whatever she needed in life. She decided then and there to stop being angry - and she did. I always saw her with a smile. for the first two years we were here, it was smiles through her braces - but the last year was a gorgeous smile with beautiful white teeth.

funerals are thought-provoking - what do you talk about, especially in the cases of death too soon . . .when you are a dying man, talking to dying people, there is only one thing to talk about - and that is faith, faith in Christ Jesus. So the gospel was clearly and tactfully presented - and it was a bittersweet day. Several people expressed appreciation at the clarity of God's word going forth - in such a public place. I know this - Jessica had talked to me several times about her Christianity - there is no doubt in my mind who she is with right now. And it is heart-wrenching to think that others won't be there when they die.

Afterwards, at the reception at the corps, there were several opportunities to pray with seekers, use the prayer center, and be encouragement to those who were in need.

It's been a long two weeks - but for Jessica's momma, it's only beginning.

Jessica JoBeth Campbell - Promoted to Glory February 21, 2008