John 7:38

Jesus said, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

Saturday, November 1, 2008

THis is what Jesus would look like . . .

if he came to earth today.

This video makes me happy.

Click here and Enjoy this video!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why are pirates so piratey?

Because they just AAAARGH!!!!

So, this October 31, dig out your piratey duds and find your eyepatch and clean off your sword - and join us for Pirate Night at Celebrate Recovery.

We will have you Walk the Plank, dig for buried treasure, and all sorts of other scurvey doin's!

More later! Maybe. Just be there.

By the way, we are showing Veggie Tales - Pirates who don't do anything - THIS friday night, October 24! Rated ARRRRGGGGHHHH!

My First Year .. .

I am so humbled .. . by how God works in people's lives and wants to change them into the person he created them to be.

I'm particularly thinking of the other night at Celebrate Recovery when Tess walked up to me and said, "Now this is my first year as a Christian and I'm not sure exactly how to celebrate Halloween." I didn't say anything and she said, "I just don't get the feeling that it would be something Jesus would do. But I don't know what to do with my kids. But we want to do it right."

My first reaction was in response to her statement "This is my first year as a Christian. . . " God must have known that I needed some confirmation that we were doing okay in our mission . . .sometimes we work so hard and we feel like we are spinning our wheels. It made everything worth it just to hear her say that.

But her question kept coming back to me and it was the next part that has impacted me the most . . .She wants to do what is right in God's eyes, not her own eyes.

Now - my background - raised as a Christian, I went trick or treating every year. I turned out okay. It never occurred to my family that we shouldn't be participating in Halloween. It was actually my favorite holiday - after Christmas.
It wasn't until a few years ago, when I started studying worship and what that entails and what that means to God (and what it should mean to me) - that I realized we probably would be better served by avoiding any and all festive activites on this day. We have gone to movies, gone bowling, made homemade pumpkin pies, but not trick or treating. No more haunted houses (I used to love those), no horror movies, no Halloween-Town nick flicks, etc. And guess what - my kids are turning out okay, too. I'm also re-evaluating my self-assessment that I turned out okay.

I LOVE that God himself moves people to stay away from activities that are not God-honoring. I HATE that, as Christians, we try to justify doing things we want to do - or continue doing. Are we submissive - or are we not? Do we want to claim freedom so that we can sin all the more? I seem to remember this same argument being applied by another person name Paul. .. .hmmm, he must have known that it would still be circulating 2000 years later.

I want everything I do to be pleasing to God - and I want it to be right in HIS eyes - not my own eyes. My own eyes are deceitful - and I certainly do not have good vision. In fact, the older I get, the more lenses I need. I have tri-focals now and I still have to wear two sets of glasses at a time to read.

I want to live my life as a Christian in my first year . . .always looking to please Jesus. Like Tess.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Breaking Down . . .the Walls . . .

Grace and Nancy found out that the chance to share Jesus comes at unexpected times. A lady walked into the corps and said that a couple was broke down over at Burger King. So they hopped in a van and went to go find them. After a few missed attempts, they finally saw someone walking on the road and found them.

The couple had broken down over a week ago and were stuck here in Pendleton - maybe by choice, maybe because they had no place to go really, maybe no money - who knows . . .the story changed a little each time it was told . . .but the reality was that they were living under a bridge and hadn't eaten in a couple days (she was pregnant and hadn't felt like walking to the Army for lunch).

So, a short while later, they all (Nancy, Grace, the couple) find themselves sitting together over a dinner table at Denny's - finding out that they aren't so different from each other, thinking that if the tables were turned they might be in similar situations . ..

Bread of man, bread of God . . . Denny's, Jesus . . .showing love, sharing love. They broke down in Pendleton . . .but God broke down the walls.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Mentoring means putting your heart where your mouth is!

susan and krystal - an unlikely couple. One is 18 and just finishing high school, struggling with a family that doesn't know how to be a family yet, living outside the home. Susan is older, wiser, and been around the mountain quite a few times. She is also sports her ever-present oxygen tank - fondly referred to her as her "jet pack." She is a soldier at the corps and a champion for children and animals!

Krystal calls Susan, sometimes in the middle of the night - when she feels like hurting herself, when she doesn't feel God's love, when she just needs to hear a friendly voice. Krystal told me the other day the first time Susan told her that she loved her, she started crying.

Do we realize how much of an impact that we can have on one person? Just be showing some interest?

We want to pray for both of these women - they are both facing big changes in their life. They are both right where God wants them - in his arms of love.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

League of Mercy - the way you (don't) remember it (if you still have your memory, that is)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Nothing is impossible with God.

Mary was visited by the Angel Gabriel, told what would happen to her, she believed him and as an afterthought (right . . .), was told about Elizabeth bearing a child in her old age. The angel adds, almost casually, "for NOTHING is impossible with God."

a few verses later, she meets up with Elizabeth who confirms that Mary has indeed been blessed by God and says something very enlightening - Mary was blessed because she believed that God would do what he said he would do.

It's not that she believed God would do something impossible but that he would do what he said, even when that seems impossible.

We prayed for Maribel, who is in Mexico with her two children - forbidden to come home to her husband, Ryan. God has promised to reunite that family - somehow. Maybe Ryan needs to go there. . . . Nothing is impossible with God.

We lift up Damien, Kim, Susan, Diana, Lacey, and so many others. God promises to bring blessings and restoration to those who are exhibiting obedient faith.

Nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Western Bible Conference

So our corps took 10 people to WBC and the trip there and back was an experience in itself. Two sets of girls twins, one year apart in age - all vying for attention. Cody, the only boy - still learning how to manage his emotions and energy. Two moms - looking for a vacation but having to deal with kids. Two "aunties" who were struggling with their own aches and pains and yet putting up with ours. And then there is Captain Don - who should be nominated for sainthood. It was he who read the Bible with the kids each day - we made it through mark, for the most part. He drove. He stopped patiently for bathroom breaks. He even pulled over a couple times , , , ,THAT was scary!

But we made it - the food was fabulous, we jumped in the ocean, we were fed by the Word, we were inspired by Commissioner Israel Gaither, we reunited with old friends, made some new ones, the kids swam most every day, and we had the best view in the camp!

We even found kosher marshmallows at Trader Joes so we enjoyed Roasting marshmallows at our friends house.

I would even go so far as to say it was lifechanging.

Thank you!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Come Away, My Beloved - by Frances Roberts

So this has become my new devotional - started because Emily was getting married and Shavuot (Pentecost) reminds us of our marriage covenant with God,

Here's what last night said - so very powerful that I was thinking about it again this morning, so simple that I don't know why it grabbed me. . .

"Only as you WALK will the waters of adversity be parted before you. Overburdened as the world is with trouble and sickness, I need those who have proved My sufficiency in everyday, personal experience to lead the suffering to the fountains of life. I need those who have found Me as burden-bearer to help bring deliverance to the oppressed.

Never begrudge time given to chronic complainers, but recognize in each encounter the opportunity to speak a word that may lead to their liberation. No case is too hard for Me. Never be taken by surprise when I use you to change a pattern. Do not judge a man by what he appears to be, but see him as what he can be if he gives himself unreservedly to Me."

wow. Matthew 9:29 - "According to your faith, let it be to you."

Friday, June 6, 2008


Monday, June 2, 2008

Here's to maggie. . . who traded in her sorrows and pain this morning

Hope it's everything you dreamed of! You are loved.

We will meet in the golden city.

Love, all of us.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Lots of things going on . . .

So Wednesday night was exciting. We had just come down from the high of the weekend before - which ended with an intense Sunday morning worship service with the Seattle Temple Band. Then Wednesday night, the bible study turned into a prayer meeting where we learned more about the "hem of the garment" from first-hand experience.

I tell you about Wednesday night because it led to the exciting revelation of truth that was testified aobut this morning. Walt, who was injurred in an accident and has had knee problems for some time, was dancing and kicking up his heels last night at the Masquerade Ball held for Nancy - who is going to Service Corps. Walt says that after the prayer meeting on Wednesday night - which was powerful for many people - he went home and his knee kept feeling hot inside - although it was cool to the touch. The next day, he woke up and he felt like he had a new knee! He thought it might go away but it just kept feeling better and better.

God is good - so many wonderful things that he is doing for people in our fellowship. We will keep lifting up Susan and maggie, and not forget Jayme who is going into surgery tomorrow.

gotta go - softball practice calls.

(although I must honest, I'm not practicing - I'm going to go play in the creek with the kids!)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

chris and emily and the preacher man

the "girls" - one down, 3 to go. I think they should all elope!

don and emily, crossing the bridge

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together -- today. Marriage--that blessed arrangement.

That dream -- within a dream. Emily and Chris are married.

Monday, May 19, 2008

We're ALL Dying . . .

but for some, it's hitting a little closer to home. There's Maggie . . .and Susan . . .

Susan was talking to me the other day about it . . .and she said that when they told her she was going to die several years ago, she made herself ready for it - mentally. But now, she has a new purpose in life, she is active in ministry and she has so much more work to do . ..and she doesn't want to be ready.

yeah, yeah, we know all the stuff about being absent from the body is to be present with the Lord but that doesn't make it any easier.

I love Susan. I know God will take care of her because she is precious to him but who will take care of me when Susan goes home? Who will call me to see if I have read my Bible?

That settles it. God will have to wait for Susan.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

It is so encouraging to see families in the fellowship that have been restored. Today during the testimony time, we heard so many mothers talk about how they weren't with their children last year and they have been reunited with them. It made my heart hurt . . .and soar at the same time. God has performed so many wonderful miracles . . .

happy mothers day.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Community Caring Ministries - an all-encompassing phrase that basically just means caring for those who are unable to care for themselves. We finally have a group of people that are interested in visitation and we are going to begin visiting tomorrow. We have been visiting people of course but there are some elderly people who are part of our family that we have been missing. We want to go see Maggie, who has cancer. Linda has been absent for several weeks and needs to know that she is missed.

I am excited about doing it. I know some people will think that we should have been doing it before now but now is the time that God has finally brought us to . . .and now is the time to do this.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Solomon's Prayer

"And may these words of mine, which I have prayed before the LORD, be near to the LORD our God day and night, that he may uphold the cause of his servant and the cause of his people Israel according to each day's need, 60 so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other. 61 But your hearts must be fully committed to the LORD our God, to live by his decrees and obey his commands, as at this time."
These words of Solomon were prayed at the end of the dedication of the Temple. We were doing prayer time today and this was the verse we used. He prayed such an incredible prayer, asking for healing, and restoration, and recommitment - we should be praying it ourselves each day.

But then there is that line in verse 60 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God and that there is no other. THAT is why we should be praying for him to answer prayer - so that there is no doubt in people's minds.

See, what that is saying is that the reason God answers our prayers is so that we will testify to his goodness and others will see his power and goodness and know that He is God. As children of God, if He never answered another prayer EVER, it would still be okay because HE is my portion - he is enough for me. I think I just understood the song "Dayenu" that we sing at Passover - "it would have been enough."

Just to have him in my life - is enough.

When he answers prayers in my life, I need to be faithful to share those answers with others - so that they can taste of his goodness.

I am full.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Newcomers . . . .

So what do you do with newcomers? Learn their name, smile, be friendly, and make friends with their kids . . . yeah, sure . . .but how do you keep them? I'm guessing the same way that we keep each other . . .love them. . .accept them . . .know them . . .and still love and accept them.

We had more than 100 people on Sunday and I counted about 12 families who have started coming in the last 3 months. Mostly women . . .about half of them with kids . . .

I think that we will plan a dessert at the quarters (that's army talk for the Captain's house) and invite them to get to know each other and get to know us. We've got the tramp out back and a big yard. Maybe play some croquet . . .haha.jk!

Softball is starting this week - i hope we weren't stupid to add one more thing to our schedule.

I know nobody reads this but you, Chris - but I'm going to write it anyway. . .LOL!

Monday, April 14, 2008

When people die

It's hard when people die - because we feel for the family and then we return to our own life - not really understanding that there are people left standing on the battlefront who will never be the same again. It's a little like going on a tourist bus and you are part of it for a very short time but then you get back on the bus and resume life, not really thinking about where you just were because the next place is coming up soon.

I don't know if our corps is very good at dealing with this - we need to continue to lift up Jessica's family because she was so lively that, I'm sure, the house is quiet now without her bouncing around - even if she had a teenagers bad attitude once in a while - I'm sure it wasn't a quiet, meek bad attitude - LOL! Dana - mom - has started a new job and those people there don't know her enough to see a difference in her life - i want to be faithful in praying for her, calling her, loving her, etc.

Noreen died two weeks ago. NOreen, who had a love/hate relationship with the Army - but called us her church - even though she wanted to sue us - and we are doing her memorial. She aways had a smile! She has two daughters who have lost their momma - granted, they are a little older but one is only 16 and a mom is a terrible thing to lose at 16 - when you most desparately need her (even though 16 year olds don't think so).

I don't want to get back on the bus just yet. But I don't want it to leave without me either.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Marge's son, part two

wow - It's been a month since I've posted - but not a month since we prayed about Vince. But guess what? He came to church with his girlfriend and her mother - and he stayed and ate dinner with the church body!

So many new people = we need to figure out something to do - there's a whole sub-group of people who are coming - I think that we are going to do a newcomers dessert or something . . .

We sent 25 men to Men's Camp and they came home, renewed and refreshed from the fellowship and the fishing (although they found out that it was catch and release AFTER they had eaten half a dozen unlucky fish).

Next week is Youth Councils.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Marge's son

We've been praying for Vince (almost 21) for a while. He has said many times he'll never set foot in a church. Ha - never say never. He has been caught playing basketball in the gym and even walked into the chapel last week - and it's still standing, much to his surprise.

Vince has made some good decisions lately - he's been working steadily, has changed some habits, and is respectful of his mama. He helps around the house and contributes money when he gets paid.

I love the fact that God restores families and even though Vince doesn't consider himself in the family of God, because Marge is, he is. We'll keep praying, Marge.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What does my life reflect? What does YOUR life reflect?

We did another funeral last week - the day before Jessica's. This one was for Kathleen. When Kathleen's daughter stood up, I remembered a young woman who came to our feeding program wearing a shirt that could easily have been sold in Victoria's Secret, if it weren't for the ripped seams that came with use. Being the resident queen matron, I was approached by several people to go talk to her about the appropriate dress code (sigh. . .). It was awkward but I did and I made an extra effort to invite her to several young adult events that were coming up. Over the next few months, Erin came to church and never really did fit in, clothing wise - but she was loved and accepted by those who came to the N.A. groups and the young adult groups. She wasn't getting along with her mom at all because her mom was still using . . .so finally she moved away across the state.

Kathleen (her mom) was a bellringer - and struggled with alcohol and drugs for most of her life. The last year of her life, however, was spent in treatment and sober living. She reunited with Erin over the phone just a week before she died. She had been going to a local church for a year or two before she went to treatment so I felt good knowing that JEsus had been an important part of her life.

Hearing people talk about her life reminded me that we have lives that people don't know about. My kids don't know about my life before them - and I don't know about my mom's life before me. I wonder what stories people will tell about me - what will they say? Will my life reflect Jesus? I hope so.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Choose Life

Sadly, for us, Jessica chose Life - Life with Jesus. Ecstatically, for her, Jessica chose Life.

We had two funerals this week. The one for Jessica was held at the high school auditorium. Over 300 people came, many were in Salvation Army uniform, and it was a somber affair. We watched a video montage of her life - and what an incredible story her life was.

She was in foster care and when she got to the Campbell home with her two younger brothers, she told her foster mom that she had an older brother and two sisters. Her mom found the other siblings and offered them the chance to come live with them. The older brother joined them and soon the four children were adopted into the family. They all suffered from RAD - attachment disorder - and yet the family became one.

I remember Jessica telling me about her journey out of RAD - she said she used to be really angry all the time - and one day she was sitting on her bed, and she realized that this was her life and it was a good one. She had parents who loved her, a mom who cared about her, a home, a big yard, food, and whatever she needed in life. She decided then and there to stop being angry - and she did. I always saw her with a smile. for the first two years we were here, it was smiles through her braces - but the last year was a gorgeous smile with beautiful white teeth.

funerals are thought-provoking - what do you talk about, especially in the cases of death too soon . . .when you are a dying man, talking to dying people, there is only one thing to talk about - and that is faith, faith in Christ Jesus. So the gospel was clearly and tactfully presented - and it was a bittersweet day. Several people expressed appreciation at the clarity of God's word going forth - in such a public place. I know this - Jessica had talked to me several times about her Christianity - there is no doubt in my mind who she is with right now. And it is heart-wrenching to think that others won't be there when they die.

Afterwards, at the reception at the corps, there were several opportunities to pray with seekers, use the prayer center, and be encouragement to those who were in need.

It's been a long two weeks - but for Jessica's momma, it's only beginning.

Jessica JoBeth Campbell - Promoted to Glory February 21, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Professional Wailers at funerals

Professional Wailers - did you know this used to be a profession? People were hired to cry for those who were in such anguish that they often needed the cries of others to start the wellspring of emotion flowing.

In today's world, we think we have to be strong. No crying. Staunch. Not true.
It's okay to be broken.

break down. you'll be ok.

Monday, February 18, 2008

to live or not to live

I have avoided writing this post because the most pressing thing on my mind is the attempted suicide of one of our teenage girls. And at this point, it might have been a successful one - but she's still alive, in a non-responsive state.

and so of course, there are a myriad of questions that accompany this: why? What happened? What triggered this? Did I see it coming but ignore the signs? What made it different from other times of stress? Where is she now? Right now? She's not dead - she's not alive. So where is she? Is she groggy? Fighting? Watching?

On a whole different battlefield are her family members - fighting and praying for her to return to them.

Self-Harm Awareness Month - suddenly it became personal.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

League of Mercy

has been changed to Community Caring Ministries