John 7:38

Jesus said, "Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

Monday, April 21, 2008

Newcomers . . . .

So what do you do with newcomers? Learn their name, smile, be friendly, and make friends with their kids . . . yeah, sure . . .but how do you keep them? I'm guessing the same way that we keep each other . . .love them. . .accept them . . .know them . . .and still love and accept them.

We had more than 100 people on Sunday and I counted about 12 families who have started coming in the last 3 months. Mostly women . . .about half of them with kids . . .

I think that we will plan a dessert at the quarters (that's army talk for the Captain's house) and invite them to get to know each other and get to know us. We've got the tramp out back and a big yard. Maybe play some croquet . . .haha.jk!

Softball is starting this week - i hope we weren't stupid to add one more thing to our schedule.

I know nobody reads this but you, Chris - but I'm going to write it anyway. . .LOL!

Monday, April 14, 2008

When people die

It's hard when people die - because we feel for the family and then we return to our own life - not really understanding that there are people left standing on the battlefront who will never be the same again. It's a little like going on a tourist bus and you are part of it for a very short time but then you get back on the bus and resume life, not really thinking about where you just were because the next place is coming up soon.

I don't know if our corps is very good at dealing with this - we need to continue to lift up Jessica's family because she was so lively that, I'm sure, the house is quiet now without her bouncing around - even if she had a teenagers bad attitude once in a while - I'm sure it wasn't a quiet, meek bad attitude - LOL! Dana - mom - has started a new job and those people there don't know her enough to see a difference in her life - i want to be faithful in praying for her, calling her, loving her, etc.

Noreen died two weeks ago. NOreen, who had a love/hate relationship with the Army - but called us her church - even though she wanted to sue us - and we are doing her memorial. She aways had a smile! She has two daughters who have lost their momma - granted, they are a little older but one is only 16 and a mom is a terrible thing to lose at 16 - when you most desparately need her (even though 16 year olds don't think so).

I don't want to get back on the bus just yet. But I don't want it to leave without me either.